Fisher County Assisted Living
Fisher County Assisted Living
Rotan, TX 79546
(325) 735-2256 voice
(325) 735-3070 fax

We are an elite group providing care for your loved ones in a home atmosphrere. We are known for all the "spoiling" we do. Our residents are like a member of our own family and it is nothing to hear one of us to comment that we have like 11 grandparents. We don't just take care of our residents...."we love them as our own". We are in the country and have wildlife that we sit and watch. Our community is also in the same building as the hospital, clinic, and pharmary. Everything is under one roof. We also offer an escort to one of our in house doctors. Our clinic boasts of having 3 doctors and 2 PA's. For a small rural comunity we are fortunate to have so much medical care givers in our county.

Opened in: 2005
Number of residents: 11

Dietary Options

Low sodium meals
Low sugar diet and meals
Vegetarian meals
Kosher meals available

Meals Provided


Dining Styles

Family style
Room service as needed

On-Site Services

Beautician and/or barber
Designated family visiting area
Guest dining
Laundry service
Maintenance director
TV, media room, or theater
Other recreational activities: Bible Study Group

Alzheimer's and Dementia residents are mixed with other residents
Stages of Alzheimer's Progression Accepted
Stage 1: no impairment
Stage 2: very mild decline
Stage 3: mild decline
Stage 4: moderate decline

Services for Alzheimer's or Dementia Residents

Family members able to join at mealtime
Family members able to participate in care plan
Environment that is easy to navigate
Daily planned recreational and social activities
Activities tailored to residents' abilities

Diminished abilities or stage of disease that would result in a transfer or discharge: Wandering, and aggressive behavioral problems

© 2006-2009, SNAPforSeniors.
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