Knopp Assisted Living Center
Knopp Assisted Living Center
202 Billie Drive
Fredericksburg, Texas
78624 (830) 997-7924 or (830) 997-9301

This facility is licensed for assisted living in amoderate
care setting. Private rooms with asemi-private bathroom
are available in this 60 bedfacility. This private pay facility
is for residents not yet needing a nursing home, but requiring
more assistance than Knopp Retirement Center offers.
Licensed staff are on duty 24 hours a day.

*All of our facilities provide three meals a day, including special diets. Housekeeping services and
laundry are included except at Knopp Retirement Center where laundry is done by the residents. Each facility
has a call system in eeveryroom to a central nurses station. Activities which include sit down exercises,
birthday parties, happy hour, in room visits, special event programs, games, movies, country tours, and
shopping trips are available. Beauticians come to our facilities on a weekly basis, and a barber monthly.
Volunteers and local musicians give performances and help with activities. Local churches offer services
at all of our facilities as part of their ministry.

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